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There are only about 450 Domestic Water Well Drilling Rigs in the entire State of California

Domestic Water Well Drilling and Pump Repair should permanently be considered

Exempt Essential Emergency Services

just like they were in the 2011–2017 Drought

  • Did you know, that California is only responsible for less than 1% of all the greenhouse gases emitted globally?

  • And that Domestic Water Well Drill Rigs are less than 0.0005 of all the heavy-duty trucks in the entire State.

  • This very small number of Water Well Drilling Rigs and Pump Trucks has no impact on California air quality.

  • The C57 Contractor industry is characterized by only a handful of mostly small firms, many of which are often multi-generation family-owned.

  • The C57 Contractor is the only industry allowed to access groundwater which is the lifeblood of California, especially in the Central Valley.

  • This extremely small industry services over half of Californians (about 24 million people) that rely mostly on groundwater for their water source.

  • The financial impact on rural Californians without a water source is huge.

This tiny group of specialty contractors needs your support now, so they can provide water in the future.
No diesel power, no water.

No diesel power, no water wells. No drinking water. No property value. No rural life.

Recently Reported Dometic Dry Wells in a portion of the Central Valley.

According to state records, more than 5,300 household wells have been reported dry in California since 2015.

Californians for Affordable Drinking Water in Rural Areas